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The Power of Gratitude

On the last day of our Mindful Self Compassion program last week, we were asked to list some things that we are grateful for, this ‘gratitude exercise’ is one that is used widely in personal development work of all kinds. One of the items on my list was the ‘ability to feel’.

Although, many times it has been painful to feel so deeply, I also feel incredibly blessed to have had the experience to be able to deeply and passionately love another person. I realize now, from the benefit of middle age, that not everyone has the opportunity to experience this and I feel sad for them.

Another item on my list was my cognitive function as an extended family member is experiencing dementia and ‘staying in my reality’ feels precious. Following through with this thinking, I am grateful for the ability to appreciate the beauty of art and poetry.

I am also immensley grateful for my family, who anchor me, keep me humble and never cease to challenge me to ‘take the higher road’. The Mindful Self Compassion program has been so helpful in this area as I have noticed myself being less reactive, less tied into long standing behaviour patterns, more able to ‘pause’ and make a choice of actions and words coming from a place of loving kindness.

The exercise of finishing one’s day by listing three things one is grateful for is simple yet powerful. I encourage you to try it.



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