Topaz Lotus Heart Centred Living: meditation fous for the week
I have been referring to the book ‘The Yamas & Niyamas’ by Deborah Adele and I first learned about this book from a wonderful couple, Jack and Soorya Resels, who are sharing Yoga Philosophy with us in yoga teacher training! Soorya and Jack offer ‘Conscious Living, Conscious Loving’ for couples via workshops and coaching.
So, the meditation focus this week is ‘brahmacharya’ or ‘nonexcess’
‘In the dark and muck, a golden lotus blossoms ~ God’s grace awaits us.’ C.L.
From ‘The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yoga’s Ethical Practice
The yogic meaning of non excess is an interesting one to ponder for sure, given the excess we see around us in North America!
Enjoy your day.