Today, March 20, is the Spring Equinox and not only are gardeners beginning to ‘twitch’, we can all use this rich time of seasonal change to ‘plant our dreams’ for the upcoming growing season.
As a life coach anchored in the practices of mindfulness and self compassion, I have noticed that words are very powerful, self talk is powerful! How we talk to ourselves is very powerful and if on the negative side, can lead to self doubt, shame and anxiety. Notice right now, do you talk to yourself as you would a dear friend? Or, do you talk to yourself like you are at Bootcamp?
Using the word ‘dream’ with intentionality, rather than the word ‘goal’ seems to bring in a sense of lightness and ‘the whimsical’, there is a softness and a kindness implied. So, it’s from a place of kindness and gentleness that I encourage you to harness the power of the Spring Equinox and dream today. Just daydream without restraint, have fun with it. Perhaps a ‘next one right step’ may appear, or a full plan for the next 6 months might evolve. Remember, you get to chose what actions you take my friend.
“Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the action stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.” ~ Anais Nin
with deep respect
life, leadership & mentor coaching for wise women