Women’s Health Tips for Your Body, Mind and Soul
Two new concept applications to learn more about are ‘tensegrity’ and ‘FODMAPS ‘.
I’ve been researching both of these concepts first as part of my yoga teacher training (tensegrity) and then during an invigorating coffee meeting (chai tea for me) with a long time friend and fellow critical thinker Catherine Morley, I learned more about FODMAPS (components in food that mimic a gluten sensitivity).
If any of the above piques your interest, check it out for yourself.
Buckminster Fuller originally talked about ‘tensegrity’ as applying to the connective tissue of the human body.
Dr Shepard is the main researcher into FODMAPS , and if you have unexplained fatigue, aches, bloating and tummy trouble, you may wish to learn more.
Have a great day.