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Women ~ Life ~ Health: The Beauty in Illness & Life Lessons!

So, I’m at home with the flu, in the middle of summer and right before my annual summer sailing holiday! One might say, that I am humbled! Yes, humbled, especially after some of my recent peppy and ‘conscious’ posts about yoga teacher training and all.

I will spare you the symptoms, however, what I want to share are some personal key life lessons:

1. Do not, under any circumstances become ‘cocky’ about your health!

2. Do not think that you can work 19 days straight, even though you are a life coach and fledging yogini.

3. Do not share water glasses and cutlery with daughters who have the flu!

4. OK, hmmmm, this gives me a chance to get organized …..

Notice the ‘turn around’ here…

5. “Sick” days can be blessings as I have uninterrupted time to catch up on paperwork and planning.

6. Yes, the world, family, work, can survive without me!

7. My body does send messages and listen earlier to fatigue and soreness.

8. “Sick” days give me total ‘white space’ and now I have many interesting and creative ideas spawning.

9. I’ve had a chance to computer connect with friends as I am in bed all day with my laptop.

10. I am forced to slow down, stop, listen to the birds and simply breathe.

11. I feel justified in asking for help.

12. I have time to research further yoga teacher training.

13. I can write many blog postings to tweak while I’m away on the boat.

14. Hey, it’s all perfect! At some level I totally created just what I need today … time to rest, read & write!


Don’t ya just love the ‘self-talk’?

Enjoy your beautfiul day/

In peace & mindfulness,


Zoey Ryan BSc., PCC
life ~ leadership ~ executive coach for women

Leadership & life coaching to set your heart on fire and soothe your soul!

Self Take: at home in bed!


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