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Women | Health | Life: The Year and Soul-Sisterhood of the Traveling Yoga Pants – Week 4



I feel satiated and not with food but with the blissed out body centered feeling that comes after a wonderful yoga class!

Returning from vacation, I felt like staying close to my home yoga studio of Shanti Yoga in  Tsawwassen and took in a ‘gentle hatha’ yoga class this morning with my friend Dori.   Heather led us in many hip opening asanas as collectively agreed on at the beginning of the class, gotta love the ‘soul-sisterhood’!  At Shanti Yoga, music plays during the active part of class and I LOVE this!  I wish more studios would do this.

I reconnected with another friend at class and really feel like the yoga folks are my tribe!  I miss the new friends I made at Shanti Yoga Los Cabos!  Maybe I’ll see some of the Mexico vacationing Vancouver folks who hang out at Moksha Yoga on West Broadway when I use my passport to prana.

Feeling energized and healthy after class I did a ‘power spring clean’ in our bedroom to the delight of my husband who is much tidier than I.

My daughters had given me a gift certificate to Shanti Yoga Tsawwassen as my birthday present and I used it today to purchase a pair of  tiny ‘OM’ disc drop earrings by Satya Jewelry.  I’m thrilled as I have been experiencing very sensitive ears, however, these earrings are so sweet and light that it doesn’t even feel like I have anything in my ear lobes!

I wore my fav comfy brown yoga pants with the leopard print detailing around the hips.  Dori wore her Lululemon Capri’s and the other women had some cool yoga pants too!  Lots of women were wearing the very wide legged yoga pants and one woman had these funky drop  waist champagne yoga pants that were rouched around the shin!  I really like some of the new tie dyed yoga pants, however, I don’t think that the style would suit my ‘womanly’ body.

Dori and I went for ‘tea’ after yoga and it was another great chat with one of my ‘soul-sisters’!  She had a chai latte and I splurged on a delish’ mocha with whip.

I plan to purchase my ‘passport to prana Vancouver’ soon and start exploring more wonderful local studios!


Enjoy this magnificent day!

in peace & mindfulness



Topaz Lotus Life & Leadership Coaching for Women

wisdom coaching to set your heart on fire and soothe your soul

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