3 Work Life Balance Tips for Working Women
Take the frazzle out of your day and replace it with balance & serenity!
Do you feel like this at work?
But wished you felt like this?
Here are 3 Work Life Coaching Tips to Help You:
1. First thing when you get to work, sit at your desk and take 3 deep in and out breaths. Envision your day flowing forward peacefully.
2. Have 1 main focus for the day ie meetings, admin work, working with staff, networking. Set 1 – 3 major ‘to dos’ for the day, all of which are incredibly easily achieved, write these down & scratch off when completed.
3. Be gentle with your self! Don’t forget to breathe!
In peace & mindfulness,
wisdom coaching for your heart & soul
Zoey Ryan BSc., PCC
Professional Certified Coach with the ICF & Legacy Leadership Trainer
Topaz Lotus Life & Leadership Coaching
Life ~ Leadership ~ Executive Coaching for Women
inspiration | innovation | clarity | wisdom